Freedom Behavioral Leadership philosophy is to have a transparent and open-door policy for all. As an organization our first and foremost focus is on quality patient care, followed by family and referral source communication and employee satisfaction.
The organizational leadership philosophy is for our President and key leaders to be actively involved in each and every day with the surrounding communities we serve, taking pride in good patient care and customer and employee satisfaction.
The “Leadership Listens” link is the way our President of Psychiatric Services hears the voices of individuals throughout our organization and service area.
As you know, it is challenging in many organizations to express confidential complaints or concerns directly to the top leaders. Our leadership philosophy is “If you don’t know there is a problem, you cannot address the problem”, very relevant to the position as President. I would like to take this opportunity to allow each and everyone a chance to communicate with me via email. Please utilize the confidential form below, thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Freedom Behavioral respects the confidentiality of all form submissions and information submitted via this online form. However, we do log some identifying data with each form submission. Any abuse or threats submitted via this online form will be reported to the proper authorities for investigation.